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My Views on Receiving Education
In my early years, I did not see the value of education.
When I was going on thirteen, I started to run my own shop. From then on, I worked hard to become a successful businessman.
One day I realized the importance of the English language in the business world and started taking night classes.
I was able to communicate well with foreign customers after two years of English study. But I started to feel that, in the long run, having a limited knowledge of English was not enough to make my business successful. I knew that only a well- rounded education could guarantee my success in the future.
When I was eighteen, I had to make a decision to continue doing business or go back to school. There was one obstacle keeping me from getting an advanced education. I had only completed elementary school up to that point. I then went back to senior high school after four months of tutoring in different subjects. Being at school for the first time after so many years was somewhat embarrassing because my classmates were at least two or three years younger than I. I concluded that my age did not matter. The important thing was getting into college.
I took the College Entrance Exams. Although my math exam result was only one point below the required score. I never gave up hope. The following year, I took it again and received the highest score in my city. Achieving such an amazing result gave me encouragement and courage necessary to continue my education to the next step.
I am now in my second year of college and know that it is never too late to learn. My passion for studying and improving myself will never come to a halt as long as I continue to live.
“Live and Learn.” is the motto I have adopted. I believe with an education I will succeed. So, if you are wondering whether education is important, don’t hesitate a moment to step up and seize the opportunity.