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第一篇:Translation on Ads
1.Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I'm DongShiHao, from media technology and art ——advertising.As the title said, I want to introduce the translation on advertisement.翻页
2.Ppt第二页关于广告全球化的介绍(翻页)3.My report foucs onthe characteristics of English advertising translation.It is pided into four parts, the first part is Vocabulary Characteristics, the 2nd part is Grammar Characteristics, and the third part is the Rhetoric Characteristics,inthe fourth part, I will introduce some of the goods in Chinese and English ads, and a classic advertisement from apple.4.Now,look at the first part--Vocabulary Characteristics;Ppt第四页Vocabulary Characteristics介绍
OK,lets look some examples:ppt第五页look at the first
This is the classic AD of LG.Both the English advertisement and
Chinese advertisement are very perfect.It is easy to attract people's attention.And clever use the rhyming sentence structures.Its innovative is obvious.5.Now,look at the second part--Grammar Characteristics;Ppt第六页Grammar Characteristics介绍;
OK,lets look at some examples:ppt第七页look at the first
This is an advertisement from the Toyota.With rhyming two-syllable,it give people a profound impression.6.Then,look at the 3th part--Rhetoric Characteristics;
Ppt第八页Rhetoric Characteristics介绍;
OK,lets look at some examples:ppt第九页
These advertisements are using a pun, impressive!
7.OK,next,we will see some Ads
Then it’s a classic advertisement——Think Different