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第8届国际民俗摄影“人类贡献奖”年赛(HPA 2024)中英文介绍(5篇模版)

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第一篇:第8届国际民俗摄影“人类贡献奖”年赛(HPA 2024)中英文介绍


1998年起,中国民俗摄影协会向全世界发起一项旨在号召摄影师广泛、深入记录民俗事象的摄影赛事——HPA(Humanity Photo Awards,―人类贡献奖”年赛),UNESCO给予了充分的支持,自第2届起授予其徽号使用权。




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The Humanity Photo Awards(HPA)2024

Since 1998, CFPA has started the international competition Humanity Photo Awards, the aim of which is to call upon photographers all over the world to record and preserve the heritage of folk culture, and HPA is supported greatly by the UNESCO, with its logo awarded to HPA from year 2024.HPA has fully made its advantages on the entry point of folklore, humanities and sociology, providing photographers all over the world a field to record the cultural

heritage of mankind by photography, with series of photos, and it set a good system of cultural heritage research samples.HPA, with the humanistic meanings beyond art, is superior to all cultural activities held by other associations.Therefore, during the past 13 year, HPA, had appealed to cameramen from 120 countries in the world(the main country enumerated in the accessories)to have

participated in this activity, with cultures recorded in the photos.These series of photos have recorded the colorful and various cultures from more than half number of countries in the whole world, making HPA a significant cultural brand on building up a photo museum of the world’s culture.HPA holds the responsibility of the Chinese nation to culture, and it has embodied Chinese culture Great Power sufficiently.HPA has been devoting its work to building up a well known brand in the world for 13 years.In 2024, HPA had been shown in Aichi Expo,Japanand in headquarter of UNESCO inParis.―The Humanity Photo Awards represent an undertaking that aims a more profound mutual understanding and interaction across cultural, geographical and political frontiers.HPA allows us to reflect on human activities by

people in all continents and involving all age groups, HPA will allow us to get to know each other better, and above all HPA highlights and advocates strongly the value of our common humanity in persity.‖ Said by Hans d’ Orville, Director, Bureau of Strategic Planning in the forewords of Memory of Mankind IV.Organized by



Photos can only be submitted on-line.Entrants must register on the websitehttp://and submit photos in accordance with relevant requirements.Every entrant could choose any category listed on the website and is allowed to submit no more than 3 sets.Every set entered should contain 8 to 14 photos.Personal information as well as the photos could be modified or replaced(registered e-mail excepted)during the photo collection period.Schedule

Photo Collection Period: September 16th, 2024—April 15th, 2024(BeijingTime)

Selection: By mid August, 2024, the photos granted with the Performance Awards, the Nomination Awards and the Documentary Awards will be announced after two rounds of evaluation.On September 14th and 15th, 2024, the final evaluation unveils the Grand Awards of the six categories.The results will be published in stages on the above mentioned website.Award Ceremony: September 16th, 2024.Humanity Photo Grand Awards and Jury’s Special Awards will be announced on the Award Ceremony.Premiere Exhibition: The premiere exhibition of the HPA 2024 –Memories of Mankind Ⅷ, which

consists all the wining works with the Nomination Awards and the higher ones, will be held in the same period with the final selection and the award ceremony in the same city.



路易威登:Louis Vuitton,简称LV,创始于1854年,以做工精细华美的旅行箱包闻名于世,产品包括皮件、皮箱、旅行用品、男装女装、笔、手表等。一百五十余年 来,路易威登精致、品质、舒适的“旅行哲学”广受推崇,深得各国名流喜爱。2024年LV在香港举办新产品发布会,模特章子仪一身服饰价值76万美元,合 人民币六百余万元。

路易威登:Maybe you don’t know Louis Vuitton, but you must know LV.LV is short ofLouis Vuitton.Established in 1854, it is famous for beautiful and high quality suitcases.There are various goods, including wallet, leather suitcase, travel

accessories, clothes, watches and so on.Since 1854, Louis Vuitton is loved by every country’s noble for its

克里斯汀·迪奥:ChristianDior,法国品牌,华丽女装的代名词。创始于1946年,产品除高级女装、高级成衣以外,还有香水、皮草、头巾、针 织衫、内衣、化妆品、珠宝及鞋等。2024年戛纳电影节上,香港女星陈慧琳身着CD晚装,仅饰物的价格就接近两百万港币。

克里斯汀·迪奥: ChristianDior, the French brand, which is synonymous with finery women dress.Founded in 1946,the products of it are haute coutures, exclusive suits,including perfumes, furs, scarves, sweaters, underwear, cosmetics, jewelry and shoes.At the 2024 Cannes Film Festival, the actress Kelly Chen who comes from Hong Kong attended the Festival ,dressed in ChristianDiorevening wear.Onlythe price of accessories nearly two million Hong Kong dollars

古奇品牌一直以生产高档豪华产品著名.无论是鞋、包还是服装,都以“身份与财富之象征”品牌形象成为富有的上流社会的消费宠儿。在佛罗伦萨的制作间中,年 轻的古奇欧·古奇(Guccio Gucci)就将古奇作为标志印在那些皮革制品之上。而早在他工作于伦敦豪华的贵族饭店(Ritz)的厨房之时,日日目睹那些富贵客携带的精 致华美的旅行提包,古奇便决定回到意大利故乡,开始制作古奇标志旅行包箱。

 古奇品牌:Gucci brand has been known to produce high-grade luxury products, whether its shoes, bags or clothing, they are “a symbol of status and wealth.”The Brand become theof rich high society.Inthe production of Florence, the young • Guccio Gucci regard Gucci as a symbol to printon those leather products.And when he work in the kitchen of the luxury noble hotels(Ritz)in London ,he

witnessed the rich guests carry off those rich and beautiful travel bag everyday.SoGucci decided to return hishometown Italy, and began making Gucci logo bag box.伯百利:Burberry,又译作博柏利、芭宝莉,英伦式优雅的典型代表,在中国的高尔夫球场上、高尚人士的酒会中,随处可见其经典的条纹/方格标记。品牌创始于1856年,产品包括服装、香水、皮草、头巾、针织衫及鞋等。分别于1955年和1989年两次获得英国王室授

予的“皇家御用保证”徽章。在中国大陆的专卖店中,一件女式羊毛大衣售价约两万元,带有伯百利经典标志的雨伞售价约1200元,一件专为宠物狗制作的狗夹克售价2995元,根据导购 小姐的介绍,一只名犬一冬天至少需要四件这样的狗夹克,因为---“您的爱犬总要换洗呀!” 四件是11980元,相当于400个失学儿童一年的学费,相当于一个中国农民一生的穿着,但现在,只是一条狗一冬天的服装费。


: Burberry, also translated as Burberry, Burberry Ballet, the typical of British-style elegance.Inthe golf course in China, the noble people of the reception, you can see the classic stripes / checkered flag.The Brand was founded in 1856, its products include clothing, perfumes, furs, scarves, sweaters and shoes., The British royal family granted two the “Royal Warrant” badge to Burberry respectively in 1955 and 1989.In stores of mainland China , theprice of a women's wool coat is about

twenty thousand Yuan, umbrella with Burberry classic logo costs about 1,200 Yuan, a jacket for a pet dog costs 2995 Yuan.Accordingto Miss shopping guide’s

introduction, a dog needs at least four such dog jacket in a winter, because---“thedog’s jacket always need to be washed!”The four jacket is totally cost 11,980 Yuan, The equivalent of 400 school children’s tuition fees a year, andthe equivalent of a Chinese peasant life’swearing, but now, just a dog’s clothing costs duringa winter.范思哲:Versace,来自意大利的知名品牌范思哲Versace创造了一个时尚的帝国,范思哲的时尚产品渗透了生活的每个领域,范思哲品牌鲜明的设计风格,独特的美感,极强的先锋艺术表征让它风靡全球。

Versace: anItalian brand.Versace created a fashion empire, Versace's fashion products permeate every area of life.Itsdistinctive design style, unique beauty, strong characterization make it becomes an avant-garde art in the globe.Gianni Versace SpA集团是全世界数一数二的国际时尚设计殿堂,1979年由近十年来最天才的设计师之一的Gianni Versace于米兰创立,至今,Gianni Versace SpA集团已是遍布全球的意大利式奢华象征。Gianni Versace SpA集团不只在国

际时尚设计中拥有崇高的地位,并且将VERSACE品牌中的Atelier Versace系列、流行成衣、珠宝、配件、香水、化妆品和家具等产品,制造、销售至全球各地,将VERSACE时尚与风格散布至全世界。

Gianni Versace SpA Group is the world's leading international fashion design hall.Oneof the most talented designer Gianni Versace in Milan founded it in 1979, so far, Gianni Versace SpA Group is a worldwide symbol of Italian luxury.Gianni Versace SpA Group, not only in

international fashion design with high status, but the brand Atelier Versace series of VERSACE spread the styleto the world using its popular clothing, jewelry, accessories, perfumes, cosmetics ,furniture and other products.“范思哲”这个品牌的成名史并不长,但正是这个经历了短短一二十年的品牌已经成为了能与阿玛尼、古奇和瓦伦蒂诺齐名的意大利四大时尚品牌之一。The history of the "" brand's fame is not long, but just one or two decades of itsexperience has made Versace become a brand who can compete with Armani, Gucci and Valentino in Italy.杰尼亚:ErmenegildoZegna,意大利男装精品,创始于1910年,产品包括西装、毛衣、休闲服和内衣等。美国前总统克林顿、法国前总统密特 朗、英国王子查尔斯、好莱坞影星克拉克都曾在公开场合以杰尼亚示人。杰尼亚1991年进入中国,现在中国已经成了它的全球第四大市场。该品牌提供量身定制服务,其中的一套西装售价11.6万元,每年仅制作50套。普通衬衫 的价格超过265美元,初次购买者一次至少要订制3件。

ErmenegildoZegna was founded in 1910 ,the boutique of Italian men, , whose products include suits, sweaters, casual wear and underwear.The Former U.S.President Bill Clinton, former French President Francois Mitterrand, Britain's Prince Charles, Hollywood actor Clark have shown Zegnato public.Zegna entered China in 1991, and now China has become its fourth largest market in the world.The brand offers customized services, including a suit priced at 116,000 Yuan of annual

production of only 50 sets.The price of an ordinary shirt is more than 265dollars, and the first-time buyers should once ordered 3 pieces at least.阿玛尼:Armani,意大利品牌,最优雅的高级服饰,品牌创立于1975年,产品包括成衣、香水、珠宝、手表、化妆品、家居装饰等。



Armani, the Italian brand, the most elegant high fashion brand which isfounded in 1975, the products includeclothing, perfumes, jewelry, watches, cosmetics and

home decoration.Since the brand was founded, almost all of the actress have had close contact with it in some Large awards banquet,such as in the Academy Awards, Cannes Film Festival, you can see the

well-designed Armani suit dress.In 2024, the brand's new Privecollection suit series, priced from 200,000 to 700,000 Yuan.Its flagship brand Qiaozhi Ou • Armani has been widely praised by the successful people.登喜路:Dunhill,英国品牌,产品包括男装、皮具、打火机、烟斗、手表、男用饰品等。毕加索、猫王、邱吉尔、西班牙阿方索国王、挪威肯特公爵、暹罗国王、埃及国王、荷兰王子、印度大公、温莎公爵都曾是该品牌的忠实顾客。登喜路烟斗一直绅士们的至爱,售价


Dunhill, the British brand, who has various products, including menswear, leather goods, lighters, pipes, watches, men's accessories.Picasso, Elvis Presley, Winston Churchill, King Alfonso of Spain, Duke of Kent in Norway, the King of Siam, King of Egypt, Prince of the Netherlands, , the Grand Duke in India, the Duke of Windsor have all been the brand's loyal customers.Dunhill pipe has always been loved by gentleman and the price Frequently up to several million..香奈儿:Chanel,世界顶级女装,1913年创立于法国巴黎,产品包括女装、香水、化妆品、皮件、手表、珠宝、太阳眼镜、鞋和各类配件等。著名的双C 标志让全世界的名流为之疯狂,在中国大陆的专卖店中,一件女士皮衣售价接近七万元 菲拉格慕:Salvatoreferragamo,意大利名鞋的典范。品牌创建于上世纪二十年代,产品包括时装、皮具、手表、皮鞋及各类饰物等。

Chanel, the world's top women's clothing brand , which is founded in 1913 in Paris.The product include women dressing , perfumes, cosmetics, leather goods, watches, jewelry, sunglasses, shoes and various accessories.The famous double C logo makes the world of celebrity crazed about it.Atthe store in mainland China, the price of a piece of fur clothing isclose to seventy thousand Yuan.Salvatoreferragamo, a model of the Italian shoes.TheBrand was founded in the twenties, products include fashion dressing, leather goods, watches, shoes and various accessories, etc.

第三篇:连州国际摄影年展 翻译

Honored/Respected/Distinguished Leaders, Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: Lianzhou is an ancient city in Qing Dynasty and Han Dynasty and a city of photography where friends and relatives get together.With the further exploration of the world photography and the further expectation of Lianzhou International Photo Festival, tonight, once again, we enjoy this happy together to share the big meal of art in the field of world photography.Here, on behalf of Lianzhou International Photo Festival Committee, may I extend my warm greetings to all the leaders、artists、entrepreneurs、press and people from all walks of life participating in this ceremony for your unwavering supports and concerns.Tonight filling Lianzhou are colorful neon, each of which represents our expectation and greeting.Ladies and Gentlemen, we have been looking forward to your arrival!Welcome to Lianzhou!Now, let’s welcome the secretary of municipal party committee of Lianzhou of CPC and the chairman of the standing committee of the municipal people congress, Mr Lin Wenzhao to make the welcoming speech.Tonight, both residents and visitors are excited about this grand festival.Lianzhou is located in Nanling, with the theme of “persuing green and low carbon” dedicating itself into a vigorous city with prosperous economy and innovative culture.We are pursuing while exploring, and great achievements we made have been seen.As a result, Lianzhou International Photo Festival has been respectively listed on the Guidelines of Cultural Reform and Development in the 12th five-year Plan on provincial and municipal level.At the same time, for the influential power of Lianzhou International Photo Festival, the ministry of culture has attached great importance to its history.As the only Multi-Sketch Base of China’s Fine Art Creative and Researching Base, scenery beautiful Lianzhou is no doubt the first choice to hold the Lianzhou International Photo Festival.Lianzhou International Photo Festival can not be held successfully without the support and concern of governments at all levels.We are extremely honored to invite these leaders to attend today’s opening ceremony.Now, let’s welcome Vice Director of Ministry of Culture Bureau of Cultural Industry, Mr Li Xiaolei to make his speech.Let’s welcome Administrative Vice Minister of Guangdong Propaganda Department, Laibin to make his speech.Let’s welcome the President of China’s Art and Photography Association, Mr Yang Yuanxing to make his speech.Let’s warmly welcome Vice Mayor of Qingyuan People’s Government, Mr Wang Dekun to make his speech.Lianzhou International Festival began from Lianzhou and has been successfully held for 6 years.Each time represents the glorious leap.Leading the trend of international photography, with the supreme pursuit of photography and art and the strong responsibility to lead China’s photography to go global, Lianzhou International Photo Festival has been dedicating itself to introducing the most excellent photographers to the world.Tonight, some of those elites come to the site.Now, let’s warmly welcome important judges in the field of world photography, Curators of all previous and this Lianzhou International Foto Festival, who mostly attend activities overseas, Miss Duan Yuting and Mr Fei Dawei to join me on the stage to share with us their happy pursuit of photography and art with the flow of imagines.With happiness, art and new expectation, we will hold the 6th Lianzhou International

Photo Festival.Now ,let’s warmly welcome Vice Director of Ministry of Culture Bureau of Cultural Industry, Mr Li Xiaolei.President of China’s Art and Photography Association, Mr Yang Yuanxing.Vice President of China’s Photographers Association, Mr Zhu Xianmin.Vice Minister of Guangdong Propaganda Department, Mr Laibin, Vice Head of Culture Department of Guangdong Province, Mr Yang Shu.Guangdong Tourism Administration Discipline Inspection Team Leader, Mr Li Zengfeng.Mayor of Qingyuan People’s Government, Miss Xu Pinghua.Deputy Secretary of Yangcheng Evening News Newspaper Group, Mr Li Heping.Mayor of Lianzhou People’s Government, Mr Huang Yuquan.Curator of all previous Lianzhou International Photo Festival, Miss Duan Yuting and Curator of this Lianzhou International Photo Festival, Mr Fei Dawei to join this stage to start the Opening Ceremony of 6th Lianzhou International Photo Festival.Let’s make the common wish that today’s colorful Lianzhou will attach another brilliant chapter to the development of the world photography.At this moment, with the most rapturous applause, let’s welcome the Secretary of Municipal Party Committee of Lianzhou of CPC, Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee Chairman and Overall Advisor of Lianzhou International Photo Festival Committee Mr Chen Jiaji to come to the stage to announce the Opening of 2024 Lianzhou Foto Festival.1、以下是 连州市市长黄运全 在2024年连州国际摄影年展 开幕式 上的致辞





E 顺序为AEBDC Following is the Speech made by the Mayer of Lianzhou City Mr Huang Yunquan at the Openning Ceremony of 2024 Lianzhou International Photo Festival.(Lianzhou Foto 2024)

2、Open-closed thinking


Lianzhou is an ancient city in Qing Dynasty and Han Dynasty and a city of photograohy where friends and relatives get together.3、合成词,俗语

4、接续名词(consecutive noun): 由一系列的名词组成



the secretary of municipal party committee of Lianzhou of CPC


Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress

Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee Chairman














途径地点:覆盖海南省除三沙市外的18个市县 现场观众:超过100万 受众人群:超过4500万 赛事价值:超过1.2亿



承办单位:中国自行车运动协会、海南省文化广电出版体育厅 管理机构:海南环岛国际公路自行车赛有限公司


2024年:惊艳 第一届“环岛赛”,天然赛场登场亮相




2024年:升级 第二届“环岛赛”,组织协调更趋成熟




2024年:接棒 第三届“环岛赛”,线路实现真正环岛




2024年:登顶 第四届“环岛赛”,盎然跃至亚洲顶级




2024年:洗礼 第五届“环岛赛”,风雨见证运动精神




2024年:谋变 第六届“环岛赛”,锐意进取谋求突破




2024年:涅槃 第七届“环岛赛”,刷新纪录浴火重生






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下面,让我们用热烈的掌声请出 为我们宣布比赛开始。

The auspices of the words of International Ski Federation Cross country China Summer Ski Race of Arshan stage in 2024 Distinguished leaders, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning, everyone!During this beautiful season, , Snow for the media, to transfer friendship, the magical and beautiful snow city—, use her unique natural resources and area advantage, giving us a marvelous present – that is the ― International Ski Federation Cross country China Summer Ski Race of Arshan stage in 20xx‖ will start.At this point, let us to use the most enthusiastic applause and the most sincere affection, to all the leaders, athletes and referees, ladies and gentlemen to express our sincere welcome and heartfelt!The following let’s invite the ____to give us a saluting speech, welcome, please!

The following Let’s welcome the ____to give us a speech.Welcome please!

This tournament is co-organized by ______company.Now, let’s invite the honorary president of the______ ,Mr._____, make a speech for us, let’s welcome!Now, let us invite ______ to announce the beginning of our race with a warm applause, please.


