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高中看图作文范文大全 第一篇
One day when I was about to play football, I saw Mother was taking a lot of dirty clothes to wash and a bucket to carry water. I thought Mother was very tired, so I decided to help her wash clothes. While I was doing the washing , Li Ming came and asked me to play football with him. I refused him and told him that I would help Mother finish the housework first. When I got the housework done,I was so tired that I was sweating all over. When Mother came back home, she found I had washed all the dirty clothes and said that I was a good child . I felt very happy.
高中看图作文范文大全 第二篇
A week before Earth Day, posters were put up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth.
Our class came up with the idea to make better use of used materials. We brought to our classroom worn-out clothes, pieces of cardboard and empty plastic bottles and turned those into dolls, handbags, tissue boxes and small vases. That weekend, we went to a nearby neighborhood and gave them away to the people there. All were very happy with those unexpected gifts, especially little kids and elderly people. We did so well that we were invited to share our idea and experience with all the students of our school.
We are very proud of ourselves and believe we can do more for a better world.
高中看图作文范文大全 第三篇
高中看图作文范文大全 第四篇
In the picture , there stands a tree full of fruit on one side of the stream. Across the stream , a man is trying to reach out on the edge of the bank for the fruit with a net attached to a pole. Not far away there is a bridge that can lead him to the tree for more fruit.
The message conveyed in the picture is clear. In pursuing a dream , we might only focus on only one way of making it come true ,forgetting that there may be alternatives. As indicated in the picture, if a man is willing to look for other possibilities ,he can find a better and more rewarding way to achieve his goal. All he has to do is turn around ,cross the bridge and walk to the tree.
高中看图作文范文大全 第五篇
20_高考全国卷I作文题:人生,诗意还是失意 20_年全国卷II高考作文题:关于“帮助” 20_年北京高考作文题:春夜细雨 20_年上海市高考作文题:必须跨过这道坎 ·20_年辽宁省高考作文题:我能 ·20_年浙江省高考作文题:行走在消逝中 20_年天津高考作文题:有句话常挂在嘴边 20_年重庆高考作文题:酸甜苦辣说高考 20_年江苏省高考作文题:怀想天空 20_年广东省高考作文题:传递 20_年山东省高考作文题:时间不会使记忆风化 20_年湖北省高考作文题:学习母语 运用母语 20_年江西地区高考作文题为:以下两个题目任选其一:“语文--心中的一泓清水”、“语文--想说爱你不容易”。
20_年湖南省高考作文题:诗意的生活 20_年四川省高考作文题:一步与一生 20_高考安徽省作文题:提着篮子看妈妈 陕西省高考作文题为:看图作文。 场景:一个小孩跌倒了,周围有三个大人,分别代表了社会、家庭,和学校,这三个人异口同声的说“出事了”。
文体自拟,自命标题,800字以上。 海南地区高考作文题为话题作文:话题作文,论科学家的创新与创造。
宁夏省高考作文题为:材料作文,机遇与坚持不懈的精神。 。
高中看图作文范文大全 第六篇
高中看图作文范文大全 第七篇
The first fact I worry about is noise pollution. People can't sleep well if there is too much noise. That's why so many people prefer to live in the countryside rather than live in the noisy city. I suggest all the factories and cars shouldn't make terrible noises. If they make terrible noise that isn't allowed, they will be fined, and we can also produce the cars which can't make terrible noise.
The other pollution is rubbish pollution. If everyone makes so much rubbish, one day we may live in a world filled with rubbish. Some people throw the waste paper about. I suggest rubbish should be put into different kinds of dustbins or paper bags.