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No matter how challenging your job is,you always rise to the challenge.Happy Nurses Day!
Thank you,for working so hard to see our comfort!You dedication and has touched many hearts.Have a Happy Nurses Day!
Happy Nurses Day – You’re making the world a better place, one patient at a time.
You have given so much in your kind and caring way, So here are my warmest wishes for a Happy Nurses Day!
As our Nation joins you in celebrating International Nurses Day, once again, I thank you for your work in our hospitals, health centres, private medical facilities and out in the field in our communities.
Funny how the people who work so hard to care for others rarely get the recognition or thanks they deserve. Actually, that’s not funny at all! Happy Nurses Day.
Nursing is a difficult, challenging, and sometimes thankless profession. Great nurses like you deserve appreciation like no one else. Happy Nurses Day!
You are not just a nurse,You are a friend, caretaker and guide too.Thanks for making many lives beautiful.Happy Nurses Day to you!
You’re a specialist! In making patients feel better. Have a Happy Nurses Day!
A sardarji Doctor falls in Love with a Nurse.He writes a love letter to the Nurse Saying I Love You sister.Happy Nurses Day.
Thankyou sister for all the care,Thanks for always being there,You have made me healthy, strong and fit too,Thank you so much, for being you,Happy Nurses Day.
Wish you a Happy Nurses Day,May all your dreams come true,The life and happiness you give to other,May come back with blessings to you,Happy Nurses Day!
May all the care and kindness you give to others come back to warm your heart. Happy Nurses Day!
Nurse,are the ones who have it tough.They have to deal with the patientions!Thank you for dedication,devote and most important,your patience!Have a Great Nurse Day!
Thank you,for working so hard to see our comfort!You dedication and has touched many hearts.Have a Happy Nurses Day!
Happy Nurses Day – You’re making the world a better place, one patient at a time.
You have given so much in your kind and caring way, So here are my warmest wishes for a Happy Nurses Day!
As our Nation joins you in celebrating International Nurses Day, once again, I thank you for your work in our hospitals, health centres, private medical facilities and out in the field in our communities.
Funny how the people who work so hard to care for others rarely get the recognition or thanks they deserve. Actually, that’s not funny at all! Happy Nurses Day.
Nursing is a difficult, challenging, and sometimes thankless profession. Great nurses like you deserve appreciation like no one else. Happy Nurses Day!
You are not just a nurse,You are a friend, caretaker and guide too.Thanks for making many lives beautiful.Happy Nurses Day to you!
You’re a specialist! In making patients feel better. Have a Happy Nurses Day!
A sardarji Doctor falls in Love with a Nurse.He writes a love letter to the Nurse Saying I Love You sister.Happy Nurses Day.
Thankyou sister for all the care,Thanks for always being there,You have made me healthy, strong and fit too,Thank you so much, for being you,Happy Nurses Day.
Wish you a Happy Nurses Day,May all your dreams come true,The life and happiness you give to other,May come back with blessings to you,Happy Nurses Day!
May all the care and kindness you give to others come back to warm your heart. Happy Nurses Day!
Nurse,are the ones who have it tough.They have to deal with the patientions!Thank you for dedication,devote and most important,your patience!Have a Great Nurse Day!