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- 关于元旦的短信祝福语礼仪范文
1、Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.
2、As you take your new road, We wish you a cup of success, A pint of happiness, And a jug of achievements. May you live the life of your dreams each moment and success follow you all your life.
3、I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.
4、I will cherish the memory of working with you and wish you all the best, enjoy your new job and life.
5、I extend my best wishes for your career. As a HR expert, your guidance will help the team in America. They have got the right person for the position. Wish you a smooth sailing ahead and a path full of joy, May all your dreams come true in the future!
6、It was a great pleasure working with you my dear, We really appreciate your help you have rendered us, We will be missing you so much, All the very best!
7、The news of your transfer surprised us all. We will miss you, but realize that exciting opportunities and challenges await you. It has been an honor to be your colleague. We have all benefited from your wit and wisdom and wish you every success on your career path.
8、The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.
9、You are such a talented and smart member of our team and we are truly grateful of having you. Though, you decide to walk an extra mile we are always here to support you. We just wish you more success on your new endeavor. Thank you because the way you motivate us is something remarkable.
10、Congratulations on your new job - good for you! While we will miss you and have fond memories of working with you, we wish you well and hope you attain all the success you deserve. Your loyalty and work ethic have been an inspiration to us all. Have a prosperous life and keep in touch!
2、As you take your new road, We wish you a cup of success, A pint of happiness, And a jug of achievements. May you live the life of your dreams each moment and success follow you all your life.
3、I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.
4、I will cherish the memory of working with you and wish you all the best, enjoy your new job and life.
5、I extend my best wishes for your career. As a HR expert, your guidance will help the team in America. They have got the right person for the position. Wish you a smooth sailing ahead and a path full of joy, May all your dreams come true in the future!
6、It was a great pleasure working with you my dear, We really appreciate your help you have rendered us, We will be missing you so much, All the very best!
7、The news of your transfer surprised us all. We will miss you, but realize that exciting opportunities and challenges await you. It has been an honor to be your colleague. We have all benefited from your wit and wisdom and wish you every success on your career path.
8、The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.
9、You are such a talented and smart member of our team and we are truly grateful of having you. Though, you decide to walk an extra mile we are always here to support you. We just wish you more success on your new endeavor. Thank you because the way you motivate us is something remarkable.
10、Congratulations on your new job - good for you! While we will miss you and have fond memories of working with you, we wish you well and hope you attain all the success you deserve. Your loyalty and work ethic have been an inspiration to us all. Have a prosperous life and keep in touch!