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1, is it right? Mom, you are prettier, you must pay attention to the body, your son and I had a very good. Today is Easter day, God called me to give you a text message, he said that he will bless you more and more beautiful, no one at home mom is not as beautiful as you. You must be happy oh.
2, dear mom and Dad, Easter day you are doing, I think you, now the Lord has made me let flowers fragrant, you sent a copy of the Ankang, I wish you through the depression, happy to live in the ocean. The Lord bless and keep you.
3. the lord commands in any case, parents today I will send you blessing, he says you are getting older and older, the body is more and more bad, but God never mind, the Lord in heaven watching you, he would help me take care of you, you will go the distance barrier, share my happiness to you. Thank you Lord, I wish mom and dad happy easter.
4, mom and dad you good! Easter, I don't have anything for you, to give you a text message, I wish you spring to mind, good at hand. Forever happy. From your son.
5, you still busy, today is Easter, the Lord has blessed us, you also remember to pray, wish you happy every day, work order, it is the Lord that I feel shy for you, you can be happy oh.
2, dear mom and Dad, Easter day you are doing, I think you, now the Lord has made me let flowers fragrant, you sent a copy of the Ankang, I wish you through the depression, happy to live in the ocean. The Lord bless and keep you.
3. the lord commands in any case, parents today I will send you blessing, he says you are getting older and older, the body is more and more bad, but God never mind, the Lord in heaven watching you, he would help me take care of you, you will go the distance barrier, share my happiness to you. Thank you Lord, I wish mom and dad happy easter.
4, mom and dad you good! Easter, I don't have anything for you, to give you a text message, I wish you spring to mind, good at hand. Forever happy. From your son.
5, you still busy, today is Easter, the Lord has blessed us, you also remember to pray, wish you happy every day, work order, it is the Lord that I feel shy for you, you can be happy oh.