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·Love changes darkness into light, and makes the heart take wingless flight ― bless those who walk in love.
·Happiness is always enhanced by the good wishes of others! This very special day means so much to all of us. Happy Anniversary!
·Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and best wishes for a future that just keeps getting better! Happy Anniversary!
·It's your day for happy memories and for celebrating, too. It's the perfect day for wishing every happiness for you.
·Best wishes on your anniversary. For happiness is always due to a couple as fine as you!
·May your Diamond Wedding Anniversary be a happy occasion of wonderful memories for you both.
·On your Silver Wedding Anniversary―Yesterday…memories, today…happiness, always…love.
·Congratulations on your Diamond Anniversary! 60 years filled with love and caring, marked by this wonderful day.
·May the 50 years you've shared return in golden memories for you…May your happiness today become a golden memory. Happy Anniversary!
·Happiness is always enhanced by the good wishes of others! This very special day means so much to all of us. Happy Anniversary!
·Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and best wishes for a future that just keeps getting better! Happy Anniversary!
·It's your day for happy memories and for celebrating, too. It's the perfect day for wishing every happiness for you.
·Best wishes on your anniversary. For happiness is always due to a couple as fine as you!
·May your Diamond Wedding Anniversary be a happy occasion of wonderful memories for you both.
·On your Silver Wedding Anniversary―Yesterday…memories, today…happiness, always…love.
·Congratulations on your Diamond Anniversary! 60 years filled with love and caring, marked by this wonderful day.
·May the 50 years you've shared return in golden memories for you…May your happiness today become a golden memory. Happy Anniversary!