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We know that two heads are better than one. It is always better to work with another person to solve a problem.In our daily lives,We can meet many different problems.Some problems are difficult to solve.
For example, when I learn math or other subjects,I often meet some difficult exercise.
First , I will think of this question and try to work it out by myself. If I couldn‟t do it by myself,I will ask my classmates or my teacher for help. They always give me some useful advice.
That means we should learn to co-operate with others.
We can gain more knowledge and information from others, we can learn some good ways to study, we can know more ideas about the same question, we can also save some time and energy.
For example, when I learn math or other subjects,I often meet some difficult exercise.
First , I will think of this question and try to work it out by myself. If I couldn‟t do it by myself,I will ask my classmates or my teacher for help. They always give me some useful advice.
That means we should learn to co-operate with others.
We can gain more knowledge and information from others, we can learn some good ways to study, we can know more ideas about the same question, we can also save some time and energy.