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Don’t be crazy about me,I am only a lengent
Hello,boys and girls .I’m very happy to have a speech in our class. I miss you could’t know something about me. Don’t worry! Today,I will introduce me to you. Do you expect? Don’t answer! I know you expect very much. As there are so many persons crazy about me,I just only say:‘‘I am only a legend.”Oh,I don’t speak useless. Plase pay attention to my words quickly. I start to introduce myself. In fact,I am a very very very very shy boy.My face will ture red when I meet beautiful girls.Is It right? Of course not.In fact,I am vely happy to meet beautiful girls. Such as these,so they also notice me,and such as this thing more than once,so they also say I an a very easy to get along with and very cool.Haha, I am so happy when they put it this way.Because of so,there are many girls who san love me very much. For them,I only want to say :‘‘Don’t be crazy about me , I am only a legend.you can love me,but don’t chase after me.”Of course,It’s no wrong if you chase after me.
Now, I think It’s so bored when many persons are crazy about me. I don’t want them to be crazy about me! But they stubbornly infatuated with me,what way???In fact, I am a very very very very shy boy.when they say love me when I was so shy.haha!!
Now, you are probably not crazy about me.As I am such a perfect boy,I believe you sonner or later the fancied me
Don’t you believe these words? Oh, don’t believe these, because this only a joke.
That’t all!!!
Thank you
你们好,男孩和女孩们,我很高兴我在我们班有一个演讲。我想你们对我也没有多大的认识。别担心!今天,我将会为你们介绍我。你们期待吗?不要回答!我知道你很期待。因为有那么多人为我而疯狂,我只是说:“我只是一个传说。“哦,我不说无用的了。想关注我的话。我开始做一下自我介绍。事实上,我是一个非常,非常,非常,非常害羞的男孩。当我遇到真正美丽的女孩,我的脸会红。这是对的吗?当然不是。事实上,我比较高兴见到美女。如这些,所以他们也注意到我,这种事情不止一次,所以他们也说我是一个很容易相处并且很酷的人。哈哈, 他们这么说我就很开心,。因为如此,有许多女孩们说很爱我。对他们来说,我只是想说:“不要为我而疯狂,我只是一个传说.你能爱我,但不要追我。“当然, 如果你追我,这也没错的。。
现在,我认为很多人都为我而疯狂这是很无聊的事。我不想让他们来是为我而疯狂!但他们固执地迷恋我,有什么办法呢? ? ?事实上,我是一个非常,非常,非常,非常害羞的男孩。当他们说爱我的时候我很害羞.哈哈! !