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Im worried about my country.There is polution everywhere.Its time to do something about it.
We need fresh air to breathe.We need pure water to drink.We need a clean environment to be healthy.
People have to stop littering.We have to respect our surroundings.We must become friends of the earth.
First,everyone must get involved.Everyone must lend a hand.Together we can clean up our neiborhoods.
Second,we can practice conservation.We can reduce waste and reuse things.We can recycle paper,bottles,and plastic.
Third,we can put up more Dont litter signs.We can trashcans on every corner.We can pick up garbage when we see it.
We must take action to fight pollution.Its our future were protecting.Its our duty to keep our planet clean.
So,please dont pollute.Dont be a litterbug.Dont be afraid to remind others,too.
Lets protect natures beauty.Lets make our future bright.Lets start to clean up now.
We need fresh air to breathe.We need pure water to drink.We need a clean environment to be healthy.
People have to stop littering.We have to respect our surroundings.We must become friends of the earth.
First,everyone must get involved.Everyone must lend a hand.Together we can clean up our neiborhoods.
Second,we can practice conservation.We can reduce waste and reuse things.We can recycle paper,bottles,and plastic.
Third,we can put up more Dont litter signs.We can trashcans on every corner.We can pick up garbage when we see it.
We must take action to fight pollution.Its our future were protecting.Its our duty to keep our planet clean.
So,please dont pollute.Dont be a litterbug.Dont be afraid to remind others,too.
Lets protect natures beauty.Lets make our future bright.Lets start to clean up now.