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Hello, everyone. Today you grateful?! There are many kinds of Thanksgiving, for example, as I was in the song sings, we must be grateful parents, parents gave us life, education of our talent, so that today we are happy to work, happy life -- and it is the happy life, help me, to today's topic --" Happy Thanksgiving".
Lamb kneeling milk love, crow regurgitation-feeding affection, always haunt me, cry, I think. As a new generation, we still need to advocate Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving has given us life and moral cultivation, health attitude, ahead of the happy life. Inspired by this, I again see: winter night for my mother in the sewing, the 1000 hand-million lines woven I give, tears of excitement moment by condensation, I just want to love a sound: Mom, you worked hard!
So grateful people would complain, he will live happily forever in love shining sunshine! In the face of the darkness, he will march forward courageously; in face of failure, he will Yuecuoyueyong -- because he firmly believe that: as long as the sun, the shadows behind him; because he knew: there is no sunlight, no direction, no parents, no our wonderful life; no company, we will not work happy; no gratitude, the world will become cold and no longer cute ... ...
In fact, life is a mirror, you laugh it also laugh, you cry it is also crying. You are grateful to life, your life will be given to the sun; you blindly blame everyone and everything but not oneself, the result can only be all wasted! Often with a heart of gratitude, can purify our hearts, to enhance our mind, to shape our character, to do a" advance despite difficulties, optimistic and hard work" happy tumbler; in this way, you can do: the encounter of love setbacks, do not give up; meet the frustrations of life, don't worry; meet work hardship, not afraid ... ...
In our heart a kind of Thanksgiving mind, let the world be full of love flowers! Thanksgiving so that we sincerely facing life, enthusiasm to others, frankly accept love. Thanksgiving is not a reality escape, is also a kind of singing way of life, because it comes from a deep love and hope for life. Grateful people must be beautiful, accept the gratitude of the people must be happy.
Lamb kneeling milk love, crow regurgitation-feeding affection, always haunt me, cry, I think. As a new generation, we still need to advocate Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving has given us life and moral cultivation, health attitude, ahead of the happy life. Inspired by this, I again see: winter night for my mother in the sewing, the 1000 hand-million lines woven I give, tears of excitement moment by condensation, I just want to love a sound: Mom, you worked hard!
So grateful people would complain, he will live happily forever in love shining sunshine! In the face of the darkness, he will march forward courageously; in face of failure, he will Yuecuoyueyong -- because he firmly believe that: as long as the sun, the shadows behind him; because he knew: there is no sunlight, no direction, no parents, no our wonderful life; no company, we will not work happy; no gratitude, the world will become cold and no longer cute ... ...
In fact, life is a mirror, you laugh it also laugh, you cry it is also crying. You are grateful to life, your life will be given to the sun; you blindly blame everyone and everything but not oneself, the result can only be all wasted! Often with a heart of gratitude, can purify our hearts, to enhance our mind, to shape our character, to do a" advance despite difficulties, optimistic and hard work" happy tumbler; in this way, you can do: the encounter of love setbacks, do not give up; meet the frustrations of life, don't worry; meet work hardship, not afraid ... ...
In our heart a kind of Thanksgiving mind, let the world be full of love flowers! Thanksgiving so that we sincerely facing life, enthusiasm to others, frankly accept love. Thanksgiving is not a reality escape, is also a kind of singing way of life, because it comes from a deep love and hope for life. Grateful people must be beautiful, accept the gratitude of the people must be happy.