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Hello,my name is liujianmin, and I am an ENT associate professor.
Good afternoon, doctor Liu.
Could I have your name and date of birth, Please
My name is wangyongkuan,and 32 years old.
I'm going to ask you a few questions about how you fell?
No problem.
Is that OK for you ?
I’m OK
What brought you in today?
My headaches, I’m really get fed up of these headaches
Where it hurts ?
My forehead
Could you point it to me exactly where it hurts?
Yes, over here.
When did you begin to notice it?
Three months ago.
Was the onset acute or gradual?
It has been gradual
What sort of pain it is?
It’s dull pain
Was it on and off?
Yes, it is intermittent
Does it radiate to anywhere else when you felt the pain?
No, it’s localized
Do you also feel stuffed-up nose, sneeze, fever, or runny nose,and so on ?
Yes, I have a runny nose, stuffed-up nose. But I’ve not noticed any fevers.
How long does it last each time?
Maybe five hours, serious in the morning, and less in the afternoon
How often does it happen?
Does it get worse at a certain time?
Yes, the headaches do tend to be worse in the morning
What makes you feel better or worse?
It alleviated after exercise, if my stuffed-up nose relieved, I feel better
How bad it is on a scale from 0 to 10?
About 3
What do you think the problem is?
My problem is headache and stuffed-up nose
Is there anything ,in particular, that’sworrying you?
I'm afraid I have a lesion in my head
What were you hoping I’d be able to do for you today?
I hope you can give me a clear diagnosis and treatment plan.