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- 优秀英语演讲稿【三篇】演讲稿
on swimming for peace
ladies and gentlemen:
before swimming in north atlantic in winter and recalling titanic, i come here, great the united states, from my motherland china for pushing on peace. i fell extraordinary honor and pride. im gangyi wang , 49 years old, lawyer, ph.d of jilin university, professor of dalian university of technology.
ten years ago, i used to be here, freedom goddess location-new york, and influenced by the culture of democrace, freedom and rule by law. tady, after ten years, i come back greate city-new york for developing the peace sprit that freedom goddes geve us and for memory of those who died in september 11 event and titanic.
uder the bless and protect of god, i succecded in challinging the south pole, lago grey of chile,han river of korea, ice sea of hokkaido in japan and set the record of human beings survival in low-temprature waters.
i will start off here to canada (st.johns) to swim from the place in ice sea of north atlantic in 17 jan. XX and that sea area is just the place where titanic sank 93 years ago. i hope that the winter swimming with the theme of love of life and swimming for pease is much concernd throughout the world.
i pray god bless and protect us.