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good evening ladies and gentlemen. it’s my honor to stand on this special occasion to present my speech—change your attitude.
life is colorful and hopeful, we always have great plans and dreams in our mind…too ready to achieve something grand that changes our life or benefits all of mankind . while reality is complicate and cruel. how pathetic. living in this 21st century, everyone feels under a great pressure. but we should see it from another perspective. knowing that without the fierce competition we will never have the motivation to overcome handicaps. you must have heard this motto: attitude decides everything. we always pay so much attention to the life of the results, we happy for it. we sad for it ? why don’t you keep a positive attitude to it. why do we have to bear the pain which ought not to belong to us.
in my opinion life is a kind of attitude. every man has his price. even we can’t do everything well. we can try our best to do everything. ignore the life results. it’s will makes us happier, brighter and more successful.
ok ladies and gentlemen,let us return to the things around us,many college students complain that their degree and worry about their future employment,however,they complain their low wage when be employed,but it never occurs to us that our failure to do well in college is the leading cause of this situation. ok dear friends ‘s change our attitude to look at it you ever think about learn your professional knowledge and using ability well to change it?the answer definitely is “no”.
ladies and gentlemen should know that learning is something. but losing is nothing. change your attitude. this not only suit for me ,but for each one of you.
so be pleased to our life with more smiles,less complains but more changes. please remmber change is the life philosophy.
thank you