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- 丑小鸭读后感600字作文
we are a group of teenagers living in the river north and south. footprint of our cities, villages have our presence. wherever life? we were all kind of call, our name is "90 after."
early morning, entered the campus, optimizing the environment, advanced equipment, comfortable happy the day we started the study; after-school leisure, we sat in front of the computer easy and enjoy the broad range of internet and cozy; festival, we use mobile phones to pass blessing and care. we know that: all these are because of you, only us, we are now the name of your "motherland."
when the wenchuan shanbengdelie strikes, countless chinese people lent a helping hand in front of a disaster, volunteers are racing against time to save lives; disaster rear rows of footprints in the donation box to come and go, busy figure, we have no regrets. we keep your fuel, because your wish is our hope that your suffering is our suffering. we have history there, watching you lift a hoe, and watch your sickle dance, look at you toil and watch your valley full of grain silos, look at you displaced, look at you mid-stream splashing into the water, and from the reality of the photocathode where we see with you to rebuild their homes, looking at your teeth. look at you through the crisis, looking at you smile by opened, we are looking at you, we have been filling in for you, because we are a part of you. because of you, only us!
peace in our era, patriotic, without great oath, patriotism is a simple but profound emotion, patriotism is a loyalty, a thanksgiving, a return is an act. little in life should have our patriotic actions:
school to concentrate on listening, positive thinking, will respect others, business planning, propriety love school, ... ... these are a simple patriotic act.
there is always a force so that we moved. let us always have a memorable emotions. this force is called the motherland, this emotion of the motherland.
of the motherland is our mother.
because of you, have we!