- 人生因读书而灿烂高中作文
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>《my special friend》篇一:
I have a special frirnd.She has big eyes and long hair.She is tall and beautiful.She is a housewife.Every day she gets up early and plays badminton.Every night she goes to bed early.she is hearlthy.She likes playing volleyball and fishing very much.Her perfer fruit is acherrys.She likes best vegetable is eggplant.She birthday which is on November 25th.She often play with me.We eat togther and live togther.
Who is she do you know?
>《my special friend》篇二:
I have a friend in the U.S. His name is Don Adams. I know him very well, but I have never met him. We write to each other all the time. My letters are very short. It is still hard for me to write in English. I received a letter from Don yesterday. It makes me very happy. He is coming to my country for a visit next summer. We are going to see each other for the first time.
>《my special friend》篇三:
Not until I got acquainted with Fanny did I learn to be independent.
I first noticed this unique girl because of her skinny legs.
Even though she is crippled from pollio, she is not crippled by feelings of inferiority.
In fact, she is talented and excels in many ways.
Having a handicapped body doesn't mean having an impaired personality.
Fanny understands that she can't help her parents on the farm, and she doesn't want to be a burden to them.
So she is determined to live an active and independent life.
She is such a responsible and diligent girl that she makes me feel as if I were still a child.
Her maturity and optimism inspire me.
I hope her dream of traveling around the world on her own will be realized soon.