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Everybody is good, I was in Xingan for two years in Ulanhot City three class two * * *.
I have a fat little face, black hair, big ears, a pair of black eyes, flat nose, and a mouth speaking is not love.
I like swimming, skating, playing football. My favorite sport is cycling. Every Saturday, I have to ride a bike around the building a few turns, while the fast slow for a while. When the fast, like a fly, that kind of feeling is very exciting.
This is me, an ordinary primary school. Yes, I have to introduce our advantages and disadvantages!
I love the advantages of helping others to do the thing, honest, kind-hearted, returning lost money. Slow writing is my weakness, do not look good, sometimes while playing with the homework, learning is not good, do not pay attention in class attendance.
I must keep their own advantages, get rid of the shortcomings of their own, do a more excellent primary and secondary school students.